Digitalization and networking are not just buzzwords, but are changing the way we live and work. An exciting topic for which NürnbergMesse offers important dialogue forums.
Silent flying cars? A future that science fiction visionaries foresaw decades ago. We are not there yet. Nevertheless, many things that were dismissed as dreams of the future just a few years ago are now part of everyday life. Computers that beat chess champions. T-shirts that save lives. Cars that drive themselves. Everything is possible in the age of digitalization and electronic networking. It's just beginning. What is to come? And how will the topic of digitalization be reflected in the NürnbergMesse event calendar in 2017?
"The last mile is the most expensive" is the saying among logistics service providers. Because the delivery of a parcel from the delivery company's distribution point to the destination address causes the greatest costs of a delivery. In the future, parcel shipments could therefore be delivered by drones. Deutsche Post and Amazon are already experimenting with so-called delivery drones. So it's quite possible that online shopping will be followed by air freight in the future. E-commerce is one of many examples of how digitalization is changing people's lives today and tomorrow. Closely linked to this is the question of how we live and work. And the question of how this affects safety. This is the case with the use of drones: What makes logistics professionals rejoice is a nightmare for pilots and air traffic control. Reports of near-misses with airliners give an idea of the danger that can emanate from remote-controlled multicopters.
The subject of unmanned flying objects and safety is the leitmotif of the U.T.SEC, exhibition and conference at NürnbergMesse. Learn more about this exhibition!
Smart Home - the "intelligent" building: automated, networked and always online. The light in the basement is still on? Left the stove on? No need to worry. Today it is already possible to control household appliances remotely via a smartphone app, to close windows that have been left open or to simulate the presence of residents on holiday. At first glance, convenient and a security gain. But what if hackers paralyze the entire building control system? What if the smart TV is listening in on the occupants?
Exhibitors and speakers at the it-sa trade fair and congress will address these questions. Learn more about it-sa!

Security in the smart home is a topic at it-sa
The world of work is changing due to digitalization: Apps are finding their way into factory floors. New technical aids such as augmented reality support skilled workers in the field. A swipe with the tablet is enough to show the automotive mechatronics technician the hidden access to the component. Thick manuals are now a thing of the past. The collection and evaluation of data is also gaining in importance. Sensors can, for example, help to detect wear on machine components. With precise models, costly breakdowns can be avoided and the deployment of service technicians can be controlled in a more targeted manner.
You can find out about the opportunities and visions of the networked world at the embedded world exhibition and congress at NürnbergMesse. Learn more about embedded world!

The health sector is also undergoing a transformation: So-called vital signs, data on basic bodily functions such as heartbeat or blood pressure, are already being recorded by numerous smartwatches. Researchers are working on functional textiles that can do something similar. In an emergency, the T-shirt could trigger an emergency call.
Find out what's in store for the industry here at MedtecLIVE. Learn more about MedtecLIVE!

The possibilities of digitalization are manifold. At the same time, new questions arise: Who owns the data that is generated in enormous quantities? How can personal information be protected from access by unauthorized persons? And last but not least: How can attacks on IT infrastructures be prevented? On the one hand, digitization and networking mean the opportunity to make our lives and work easier and safer. On the other hand, new dangers and uncertainties - also because there is sometimes still no consensus on rules in a digital world.
The legal and social consequences of digitalisation will be discussed at Net.Law.S. Learn more about Net.Law.S!
Exchange platforms for representatives from technology, business and society are therefore of outstanding importance in shaping the way into the digital age. NürnbergMesse offers several event formats for this. With it-sa - The IT Security Trade Fair and Congress and embedded world Exhibition&Conference, the leading trade fair for embedded system development, two events in the portfolio focus on the security of digital infrastructures. In 2017, the Net.Law.S - Conference for Law, Society and Industry in the Digital World expands the series of events around questions of digitalization at the exhibition venue Nuremberg. The focus here is on the numerous ethical and legal questions on topics such as Industry 4.0, smart mobility or e-health. Also new from 2017: MedtecLIVE - Exhibition and Congress for Medical Technology. Topic of the also new U.T.SEC: Security through unmanned systems and protection against unauthorized drone use.
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