Azubistart 2024 bei der NürnbergMesse
Shaping careers

Training week 1 at NürnbergMesse

Start of training at NürnbergMesse. That means twelve new trainees and four new students will be starting their careers at the exhibition company in September 2024. In their first week, we asked two new starters and two second-year trainees about their expectations and experiences.

Linda Münch begins her training as an event manager

Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship at NürnbergMesse?

NürnbergMesse is a large exhibition company where I can get to know many facets of the profession. I've always liked planning events and organizing celebrations. So I thought, why not learn this as a profession and professionalize it?

Linda Münch begins her training as an event manager

Linda Münch begins her training as an event manager.

What are you looking forward to the most?

Organizing a trade fair myself and seeing the whole result of what you have created at the end.

Finn Ziegler-Martin starts an apprenticeship as an event manager:

How did you hear about NürnbergMesse?

Through a contact at NürnbergMesse. She recommended the apprenticeship to me. And my family is also active in the event industry.

Why did you decide to train as an event management assistant?

I chose this apprenticeship because I always organized everything in my group of friends, such as vacations, parties and get-togethers.

What are you looking forward to the most?

I'm most looking forward to helping out at trade fairs and getting something really big off the ground. Even if I can only contribute a small part at the beginning, I'm looking forward to seeing the big result.

Finn Ziegler-Martin starts an apprenticeship as an event manager:

Finn Ziegler-Martin starts an apprenticeship as an event manager:

Alexander Nowara starts his 2nd year apprentice as event manager

How was your start at NürnbergMesse a year ago?

My start was exciting! A new situation, a new employer, new colleagues. The theme days were a highlight, where we trainees got to know each other better and had a lot of fun together.

How was your first year at NürnbergMesse?

Exciting and varied! In my first year of training, I've already been through many departments and got to know different activities. I also saw different events where I was able to provide support.

What is your tip for the newcomers?

If you feel overwhelmed, don't let it unsettle you! We all felt that way at the beginning. You not only have us second-year apprentices, but also great colleagues who are happy to help you.

Alexander Nowara starts his second as an event manager

Alexander Nowara starts his second as an event manager

Valentina Singh is an event management trainee in her second year of training

How was your start at NürnbergMesse a year ago?

My start was very exciting! My favorite memories are of the first few days, when you get a lot of input and feel the togetherness in the company.

How was your first year at NürnbergMesse?

My first year was very special, you can really say that! My personal highlight so far was a business trip. We visited a trade fair in Essen in April.

What is your tip for newcomers?

Be open and don't be afraid to ask questions! Everyone has started out at some point.

Valentina Singh starts her second year of training as an event manager

Valentina Singh starts her second year of training as an event manager